Colors | HEX Code | RGB | CMYK |
Red | #A31A31 | 163, 26, 49 | 0, 84, 70, 36 |
White | #F4F5F8 | 244, 245, 248 | 2, 1, 0, 3 |
Blue | #2D2A4A | 45, 42, 74 | 39, 43, 0, 71 |
The flag of Thailand is horizontally striped with unequal stripes. The top stripe is red, followed by a white stripe and a wider blue stripe in the middle, which is twice as wide as the other stripes. The lower stripes are colored white and red respectively.
Meaning of the Flag of Thailand
The red color represents the blood that Thai people have shed for their country. The white color is for Buddhism and purity. Blue represents the monarchy that rules the country.
The Flag of Thailand
Previously known as Siam, Thailand was not colonized throughout its history. Its flag was plain red in the 17th century. Then the country needed a flag to be distinguished from other countries. Before WWI, the flag of Thailand was a red field with a white elephant in the center. During WWI, Thailand was an alley of The Allies, due to its strong relationships with the West. In 1916, Thai King Rama VI replaced the white elephant with two white stripes on the red field to honor the relations with the Western countries. In 1917, the middle blue stripe was added to the flag. The colors of the flag were inspired by the liberty colors of the USA, France, Britain, and Russia, but they also represent the culture and the history of the country. The colors were chosen to honor the relations between Thailand and the West. The flag was officially adopted on September 28th, 1917.