Colors | HEX Code | RGB | CMYK |
Red | #ED2939 | 237, 41, 57 | 0, 83, 76, 7 |
White | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 | 0, 0, 0, 0 |
The official Austrian flag is a three horizontal striped flag, with two red stripes on the top and bottom, with a white stripe in the middle. Another version of the flag can be seen in different Austrian cities, and it is the official state flag. The other version is the same three-striped flag, but it has an eagle in the middle of the flag. The eagle is spreading its wings and has a broken chain on its feet.
Meaning of the Austrian flag
The Austrian flag has a legendary story that explains its colors. The red represents power and the blood of the enemies. The white stands for victory.
History of the Austrian Flag
The Austrian flag was first known to be used in the year 1230 by Duke Frederick II to attract the attention of the Holy Roman Empire. The legend says that during a crusade in 1190, the white tunic of Duke Leopold V Von Babenberg was covered with the blood of his enemies, except around his belt which remained white. Using the tunic to gather troops on the battlefield, the three-striped flag was authorized to be used in battles against enemies.
With the Habsburg dynasty ruling Europe between the 15th and 20th centuries, a double-headed eagle was added to represent the imperial attribute, which was used in state ceremonies until 1918. The red-white-red version of the flag was first adopted in 1786. Throughout history, different emblems and coats of arms decorated the middle of the flag. After WWII, the red-white-red pattern was re-adopted in 1945, but the state flag nowadays has the eagle in the middle. It has been one-headed since the fall of the monarchy, with broken chains on its feet to represent freedom from the Nazi Grip.