Colors | HEX Code | RGB | CMYK |
Blue | #013080 | 1, 48, 128 | 99, 63, 0, 50 |
White | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 | 0, 0, 0, 0 |
Green | #289728 | 40, 151, 40 | 74, 0, 74, 41 |
Yellow | #FFCE00 | 255, 206, 0 | 0, 19, 100, 0 |
Red | #D21034 | 210, 16, 52 | 0, 92, 75, 18 |
The Central African Republic flag is made of four horizontal stripes colored blue, white, green, and yellow, from top to Bottom. The four stripes are intersected in the middle with a vertical red stripe. A yellow, five-pointed star in the canton.
Meaning of the Central African Republic Flag
The colors of the flag include the French colors of red white and blue, with the Pan-African colors of green, yellow, and red. This mixture of colors in the flag is used to show that Africa and France must march together and to emphasize that there is solidarity between the two countries. The yellow star symbolizes the future and unity among citizens. The blue represents liberty and the sky, while the green represents the natural landscape, and the yellow stands for the savannas. The white color is the symbol of equality, purity, and condor, and the red represents the common blood of mankind. It also stands for the strong relations between Africa and France.
History of the Central African Republic Flag
The Central African Republic was a French colony. It became an autonomous nation in 1958, and its name changed from Ubanghi-Shari to the Central African Republic. Boganda, its first prime minister, designed its flag. In 1960, the Central African Republic proclaimed its independence. The flag did not change despite the changes in governments over time.