Colors | HEX Code | RGB | CMYK |
White | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 | 0, 0, 0, 0 |
Copper | #D57800 | 213, 120, 0 | 0, 44, 100, 16 |
Green | #4E5B31 | 78, 91, 49 | 14, 0, 46, 64 |
The flag of Cyprus has a white field as a background, with a yellow or copper silhouette of the Cyprus map. Under the map, there are two green olive branches.
Meaning of the flag of Cyprus
The white background is a symbol of peace. The undivided image of Cyprus represents the unity of the island. The map on the flag is copper-yellow to symbolize the large deposits of copper on the island from which it received its name. The two olive branches represent hope and peace between the two communities, Turks and Greeks, who live in the two parts of the country.
History of the Flag of Cyprus
Cyprus was part of the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years, and therefore its flags were all Turkish. In 1878, the island was administered by Great Britain upon reaching an agreement with the Turkish sovereign. During the British Administration, the Union Jack was the official flag. After WWI, the people of Cyprus had no attachment to the British symbols. The Cypriot Turks used the Turkish flag, while the Greek Cypriots showed loyalty to the flag of Greece. Cyprus proclaimed its independence in 1960 and became the Republic of Cyprus, and the flag with a white background, the silhouette of Cyprus, and the green olive branches was adopted. The Turkish invasion in 1974 led to the establishment of a state on a third of the island which is only recognized by Turkey, and has a flag inspired by the Turkish flag. The current flag of Cyprus is not widely used, since Greeks and Turks still raise the flags of the countries they originate from.