Colors | HEX Code | RGB | CMYK |
Light Blue | #6AB2E7 | 106, 178, 231 | 54, 23, 0, 9 |
Light Green | #12AD2B | 18, 173, 43 | 90, 0, 75, 32 |
White | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 | 0, 0, 0, 0 |
Red | #D7141A | 215, 20, 26 | 0, 91, 88, 16 |
The Djibouti flag is made of 2 horizontal stripes colored light blue over light green. A white equilateral triangle is at the hoist. A red, five-pointed star adorns the white triangle.
Meaning of the Djibouti Flag
The light blue of the Djibouti flag represents the sea and sky. It is also the color of the Issas, one of the two major ethnicities living in Djibouti. The green is for the earth and the Afar people. The triangle stands for equality. Its white color stands for peace. and the red star symbolizes the blood shed by the martyrs of independence and also the unity of the state.
History of the Djibouti Flag
When French arrived in Djibouti, it had a red banner as a flag which represented the Sultanate of Tanjoura. The land of the Issas and the Afar became a French territory until 1977 when it gained its independence. The country’s name was changed to Djibouti, taking the name from its capital city. Its flag was based on a design that was used by the Liberation Front of the Coast of the Somalis, an organization that was involved in the Independence movements of the African states. It was officially hoisted on June 27, 1977.