Colors | HEX Code | RGB | CMYK |
White | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 | 0, 0, 0, 0 |
Red | #CE1124 | 206, 17, 36 | 0, 92, 83, 19 |
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. The flag has a white background, with a red cross that runs across the flag vertically and horizontally. The Cross is known as the Cross of Saint George.
Meaning of the English Flag
The red cross on the flag is associated with St. George, the patron saint of England. He is part of the English legends and is a symbol of bravery and chivalry. The red cross also symbolizes Saint George’s ties to Christianity as a Christian martyr. Therefore, the flag represents England’s history and heritage, in addition to the values of faith and courage.
History of the English Flag
The English flag dates back to the Middle Ages, when St. George, a saint who lived in the 3rd century AD, became the patron of England. The flag was used during the Crusades, and the legend of Saint George became popular among knights. It then became a symbol of chivalry and bravery. The banners with the red cross were raised by knights in the battles. Then in 1603, King James I of England kept the flag with the Cross of Saint George. United with Scotland that hoisted the Saint Andrew flag, the Union Jack was created by adding the crosses of Saint George and Saint Andrew to a blue field. The cross on the flag of Ireland was also added to the Union Jack was added later in 1801. During the colonial period, the Union Jack was raised in the British colonies and was used to represent the United Kingdom. Today, the flag of England with Saint George’s Cross is raised in special events like sports events to distinguish the presence of England.