Colors | HEX Code | RGB | CMYK |
Red | #AE1C28 | 174, 28, 40 | 0, 84, 77, 32 |
White | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 | 0, 0, 0, 0 |
Blue | #21468B | 33, 70, 139 | 76, 50, 0, 45 |
The flag of the Netherlands is a horizontally striped tricolor. The top stripe is red, the middle stripe is white, and the bottom stripe is blue.
Meaning of the Dutch Flag
The red color symbolizes courage, bravery, and strength. The white color stripe represents peace, purity, and honesty. The blue color represents loyalty, justice, and truth. The flag’s colors also originate from the livery of the Orange Principality in the 16th century.
History of The Dutch Flag
When Prince William of Orange ruled the Netherlands after winning over the Spaniards, he chose a flag that was known at that time as the ‘Prince’s flag’. The colors were orange, white, and blue. The orange color represented the principality of Orange, and white and blue were taken from the principality’s livery. However, The first known Dutch flag dates from 1572. During the 17th century, the orange color was gradually replaced by red. The tricolor of red, white, and blue became popular during the 17th century revolt. The flag became official in 1796, and then it was reaffirmed by a royal decree in 1937. The flag of the Netherlands did not change since it became a tricolor of red, white, and blue in the 17th century.